Running your private lending business with:

Text Based Software
Receive deals and documents via an online lead intake form or directly from the borrower portal.
There's no way to properly receive data, unless written on a paper application. The information may be inaccurate.
The term sheet is issued.
The term sheet is issued.
After all borrower documents are collected, title/attorney instructions are created in seconds.
Prepare lawyer instructions manually.
Prepare investor forms.
Deals can be sent to Correspondent Lenders or funded directly within the system, and serviced in-house, or by 3rd party servicers.
Figure out the closing date, calculate the interest adjustment, If multiple investors, recalculate interest adjustments. Distribute accordingly to each investor. If there is a servicing fee/spread being charged to the investors, interest adjustment has to be calculated with the spread going to the administrator.

< 1 min 40 sec + review

80 min +
The deal is funded, the payment is automatically set up for pull.
Create a debit file (pull funds from borrowers), select the payment period for accrued interest.
Manual input to cash management online or 3rd party EFT platform. Verify and validate all files. Remove all discharged files, add all new files. Update payment amounts, make sure all the numbers are accurate.
Create a credit file. Send funds to investors.
Remove investor payments that were supposed to be sent (based on the discharged loans), add amounts for investors based on the new files they funded. Make sure all of the numbers are accurate.
Investor statements are sent out automatically.
Prepare investor statements each month.
Select the requested payoff date, per-diem is calculated automatically.
(If applicable) Penalty is calculated automatically.
(If applicable) Payout fees are calculated automatically.
Calculate per-diems,
Calculate penalties (if applicable),
Calculate payout fees (if applicable).
If the actual payoff date is different than requested, per-diem will be updated automatically. Payout distribution breakdown is ready.
Recalculate per-diems.
Prepare discharge distribution breakdown for investors.

< 4 min

90 min + | 1 dedicated employee
The original data is prepopulated from the existing loan. Adjust information/loan terms if necessary, choose conditions. The agreement is ready.
Prepare the renewal agreement,
Repost all conditions,
Re-enter data if the interest rates or fees require updates.

< 1 min

10-20 min

under 7 min

over 190 min